Jul 28 2021

Business Transformation for SMEs towards I4.0

28 Jul 2021 02:00PM to 28 Jul 2021 04:00PM
Virtual - Zoom Webinar Platform

Registration Date


17 Jun 2021 12:00AM to 28 Jul 2021 02:00PM

SMF Member Fee



GS1 Member Fee



Non-Member Fee



Event Details

Event Type


Seminars and Events

Industry Group



Contact Person


Agnes Tay


This workshop will introduce you on why there is a nationwide emphasis on I4.0 transformation, and how your business can gain a competitive edge from it. 

Our goal is to equip you with the necessary foundational knowledge, and introduce you to the special programs that will get you started on this transformation journey. 

The special programs will be
- How this newly formed service by SMF is able to partner with you on your specific needs and recommend suitable transformation solutions (MATO) 
- Maximizing your manufacturing capability and revenue generation through industry 4.0 value creation (McKinsey & Company). - Effective Implementation of Digitalisation through Business Modelling Methodology (CCL). 

This webinar is open to all local SMEs to learn more.

- Introduction to I4.0 for SMEs
- Partnering SMF towards your I4.0 transformation, 
  Introduction to the Manufacturing Alliance Transformation Office (MATO)
- Maximise your manufacturing capability and revenue generation thru 
  industry 4.0 value creation
- Effective Implementation of Digitalisation through Business Modelling
- Q&A  

Administrative Details

 To Register, Click HERE or visit https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C9o8XDEfTGGWOnmcyqHuSg

Should you require further information or assistance, kindly contact Agnes Tay at 68263011.

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