Jul 27 2023

WSH Dialogue with MOM and WSHC (Manufacturing and Chemical Industries)

27 Jul 2023 02:30PM to 27 Jul 2023 05:00PM
SMF Building and Zoom

Registration Date


21 Jul 2023 12:45AM to 27 Jul 2023 02:45PM

SMF Member Fee



GS1 Member Fee



Non-Member Fee



Event Details

Event Type


Seminars and Events

Industry Group



Contact Person


Lorelle Ang


The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) introduced the Heightened Safety Period (HSP) in September 2022 to arrest the spate of fatal workplace accidents that happened earlier in 2022. The Multi-Agency Workplace Safety Taskforce (MAST) was also formed, which comprised agencies including the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI). As announced on 23 May 2023, MAST will implement a set of SAFE (Safety Accountability, Focus and Empowerment) measures to further improve WSH outcomes.

The SMF is honoured to have speakers from MOM and WSHC, including Mr Silas Sng, Commissioner for Workplace Safety and Health to be part of a Q&A session to answer your queries.

2.30pm Registration
3pm Welcome Remarks
3.10pm WSH Measures by the Multi-Agency Workplace Safety Taskforce (MAST)
3.25pm Q&A Session
5pm Close


Administrative Details

 For enquiries, please contact SMF Secretariat Ms Lorelle Ang at lorelle.ang@smfederation.org.sg

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